Entry no. 3
Three fresh riddles and the solutions to the first tasks!
7. If you turn left glove in-to-out sides, would it match right or left hand?
8. A man must make a statement. If what he says is true, he will be hanged. If what he says is false, he will be shot.
9. How to draw an oval with just one movement of a compass?
Good Luck!
1. 2520 = 5*7*8*9
2. The area is 210, the perimeter 70. Sides: 20, 21, 29.
3. Hah! The construction of such triangle is impossible!
inside out!
o co chodzi z 8? moze na przyklad zadac pytanie... albo wydac rozkaz... im nie mozna nadac wartosci logicznej, wtedy przezyje?
9. obrocic sie o 360st?:)
8. should say something that is not a proposition, but is a statment?
statement that can have a logical value;)
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