Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Entry no. 8

22. A man goes out for a walk. He walks south one mile, east one mile, and north one mile, and ends up in the same place he started. He didn't start out at the north pole -- so where did he?

23. You're a cook in a restaurant in a quaint country where clocks are outlawed. You have a four minute hourglass, a seven minute hourglass, and a pot of boiling water. A regular customer orders a nine-minute egg, and you know this person to be extremely picky and will not like it if you overcook or undercook the egg, even by a few seconds. What is the least amount of time it will take to prepare the egg, and how will you do it?

24. How can you express 100 using exactly six 9 digits and such symbols: + - / * ?

Good Luck!

16. Push the cork into it, than shake the coin back out.
17. Cut it by the dimensions into four equal pieces (two cuts) than cut it horizontally in the middle of the cake. Voila!
18. Almost all of it. Climb the first rope up to the ceiling, cut it to an extent it bares your weight but would break if you swing or jump. Get down. Repeat this with second line. Than climb first one up to two-three meters and swing and jump, breaking the line up near to the ceiling. Repeat with the second one.

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